Traditional golf instruction forever has emphasized rhythm, tempo, and timing as integral components of a golf swing. Rhythm, tempo, and timing have to exist in the traditional golf model because they insist all golfers must shift their weight to swing properly! In order to hit the golf ball with precision and power, traditional golf fundamentals teach that one must shift their weight back to the trail side and then forward to the lead side. Without proper rhythm, tempo, and timing of this weight shift, it would be impossible to consistently hit the golf golf! Herein lies the problem….As much as traditional golf teaching tries to define, quantity, and explain rhythm, tempo, and timing, it remains an ambiguous and fleeting component of golf instruction. To me, this significantly adds to the difficulty of playing the game of golf.
Shifting the weight back and forward, in the golf swing, adds multiple variables that must be controlled precisely to hit the golf ball adequately. Backswing variables include: how much lateral weight shift to the trail side is needed to hit the shot?…Is the backswing lateral weight shift transferred to the trail foot? Knee? Hip? All of them? Some of them? How much lateral shift is enough, or too much? How fast or slow do I move my weight back? In the golf swing that has been traditionally taught, these variables of the backswing weight shift, must be done correctly, to play our best golf. Then, you must add to the backswing variables, the same downswing questions for the forward weight shift to the lead side finish. Rhythm, tempo, and timing?....To me, these weight shift variables in the golf swing are almost impossible to teach, making a challenging process even more difficult. This is a recipe for disaster for most amateur golfers….But what if there was a better way…less confusing way, to remove some or all of these weight shift variables from the golf swing?
The One Plane Swing provided a golf method for me that simplified the swing. After a few months of playing using the OPS, I was beginning to see improvement. However, it wasn’t until I added the weight forward component to my setup and swing, that my ball striking started to take off. Keeping the weight forward throughout my swing had many benefits: better impact through improved low point control of ball/ground contact, the ability to swing fast with speed, better balance, simplification of swing thoughts, and better clubface control.
If I could use one word to qualify what adding the weight forward to my One Plane Swing accomplished, it would be STILLNESS…Having my weight forward on my lead hip/knee/foot, allowed me to stay STILL! PGA Instructor Jim Venetos teaches stillness in the golf swing, and is the main component of his weight-forward teaching. Here is Jim Venetos:
Here is what Venetos says about keeping the weight forward throughout the swing...
It helps golfers stay still…by removing the weight shift, which is the biggest hindrance to handicap golfers finding consistent ball striking. The rhythm, tempo, and timing are primarily important because of the moving weight! Eliminate the moving weight, and there is little need to focus on rhythm, tempo, and timing.
When your weight is on the lead side and stays there throughout the swing, a golfer can be STILL during the entire swing.
The weight shift from back to forward requires rhythm, tempo, and timing to hit the ball, which dramatically increases the chances of poor, inconsistent shots. Removing the weight shift by keeping the weight forward at setup and keeping it there throughout the swing, provides golfers the best opportunity to eliminate the focus on rhythm, tempo, and timing variables.
You don’t need to shift your weight anymore…. it's an unnecessary and difficult task!
I agree with Jim Venetos! As I added the "weight forward" to my One Plane Swing, I immediately felt a big difference in how I hit the ball. I no longer need the ambiguous shifting of my weight... but most of all, I no longer think about rhythm, tempo, and timing in my golf swing!
Weight-Forward has its roots in the Stack and Tilt golf swing method. It was developed by PGA teachers Micheal Bennett and Andy Plummer. When I decided to try using the weight-forward concept with the One Plane Swing, I used Single Plane Instructor Kirk Junge’s Minimalist swing weight-forward technique, which had me bump my lead hip forward at setup. I eventually went to 55% of my weight on my lead hip/knee/foot. Today I setup with my weight 60% on my lead side and keep it there throughout my swing. Try it…You just might see improvement in your ball striking.
Dr. Chris Nix
**For more information on the One Plane Swing the One Plane Golfer eBook is available on the for sale on the home page of this site. It's a beautifully illustrated description of the One Plane Swing and how to apply it to your game.