Whenever I'm discussing the golf swing it seems my focus is always on impact...I’m a big believer that impact is the key to improving how we play this game! It’s the one true fundamental of golf...There are many different grips, stances, backswings, top positions, downswings, and follow-throughs…but the one consistent characteristic of quality golf shots is…solid, square, IMPACT! Take a look at the following impact pictures from some of greatest players in golf's history...
These players all have similar impact positions...you can quickly see how IMPACT, throughout the generations of golf, hasn’t really changed much…From Snead and Hogan in the 50s to Nicklaus and Trevino in the 70s to Woods and Spieth in the 2020s, we see consistent similarities at impact from the best players throughout the history of golf. Here’s what I see…
Down the Line View
The clubshaft is on a straight line from the clubhead through the trail (right) elbow.
The chest covers the ball with the shoulders square to the target.
The hips are rotating to the target.
The head is behind the ball.
The trail (right) heel is completely off the ground.
Face On View
The hands are leading the clubhead.
The lead wrist (left) is flat or slightly bowed towards the target.
The upper body is tilted away from the target and the head is behind the ball.
The trail (right) heel is off the ground.
The Hips are rotating towards the target.
What does this have to do with the One Plane Swing? Impact is still the key whether you swing on a single plane or not. However, the One Plane Swing has proven over and over to me…that the best way to get solid, consistent, quality impact is to adapt the One Plane Swing to your game! When we set up with impact in mind...so that our setup plane matches our impact plane, it dramatically increases quality impact! Here is golf professional and US Open Champion, Bryson Dechambeau, and his One Plane Swing:
The club tracker shows how Dechambeau remains throughout his swing on ONE PLANE!
SETUP: He sets up on his impact plane. The clubshaft angle is on a straight line through his trail elbow. His wrists are in an ulnar deviated uncocked position. He seems to be more upright and not so far from the ball.
IMPACT: His impact plane matches his setup plane, where the culbshaft angle is on a straight line through his trail elbow. You can see the club tracer and how is clubhead is tracking on one plane! His right trail heel is entirely off the ground as he continues to use the ground forces for power and speed.
So, if you want to really get results with improving your golf game, think about quality, square impact and the One Plane Swing!
Dr. Chris Nix
**For more information on the One Plane Swing the One Plane Golfer eBook is available for sale on the home page of this site. It's a beautifully illustrated description of the One Plane Swing and how to apply it to your game.